Whole House Repipes

Whole House Repipes in Tulsa

When your home’s plumbing system begins to show signs of long-term aging or disrepair, it might be time for a whole house repipe. A repipe is a renovation that involves the replacement of the water supply piping within a home. This service is essential for older homes with outdated or deteriorating plumbing systems. If you’re thinking about repiping your home, give us a call today.

When to Consider a Whole House Repipe:

The differences between a partial and a whole house repipe can be stark. A partial repipe may address immediate issues, but often overlooks underlying problems that can escalate over time. Opting for a complete repipe ensures an upgrade, enhancing your home's overall plumbing efficiency and value. Here’s when to consider a longer term solution:

The Whole House Repipe Process

Initial Inspection and Consultation

The Repipe process begins with a thorough examination of your current plumbing system by a Hendrick Technician. During this initial meeting, we discuss your concerns, inspect your pipes, tailor solutions to fit your budget and determine the best course of action. (Note: Financing is available on all repipe projects).

Detailed Quote and Timeline

You’ll receive an itemized quote, detailing all the costs involved in your repipe project, along with a realistic timeline for completion. 

Preparing Your Home

Before we start, the Hendrick Team will take every precaution to protect your home. Furniture and flooring are covered, and pathways for the work are established to keep your space clean and safeguarded during the process.

Repiping Process Walkthrough

We methodically replace old pipes with new, high-quality ones, strategically working through your home to ensure every new pipe is installed with precision and care. 

Preparing Your Home

After installation, we perform a series of pressure tests and quality checks to guarantee the integrity of your new plumbing system. Only when we’re confident that everything is in perfect working order do we consider the job done.

Experience the Hendrick Difference

Licensed, Professional Technicians

Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week

Residential & Commercial Providers

100% NATE Certified Service Department

Call the Hendrick Team Today

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Quality materials and professional installation mean that new piping can last many decades. Copper pipes can last 50 years or more, while PEX piping often has a warranty of up to 25 years.

Quality materials and professional installation mean that new piping can last many decades. Copper pipes can last 50 years or more, while PEX piping often has a warranty of up to 25 years.