Shower & Bathtub Repair

Shower & Bathtub Repair in Tulsa

Taking a shower or using a bathtub is a staple of your day — unless you’re faced with a leaky faucet or a crack in the tub. Not only can these issues interrupt your daily routine, but they can also lead to more significant problems like water damage or mold. We understand the importance of a fully functional bathroom. When you need help with shower and bathtub replacement services, our team is waiting for your call.

Diagnosing Your Shower & Bathtub Repair Needs

Identifying the need for repair is the first step in maintaining your bathroom's integrity. Here are some signs that it's time to call in the Hendrick Team:

Common issues with showers and bathtubs:

Tackling Leaky Faucets and Showerheads

Several issues can arise when dealing with a leaky faucet and showerhead. Here are some signs that it's time to call in the Hendrick Team:

Bathtubs and Shower Pan Replacement

Cracks and damage to your bathtub or shower pan can lead to water leakage and potential structural damage. We understand the long term impact this can have on your home. Our Hendrick Team offers replacement services to your bathtub or shower pan so your bathroom is as good as new. If you are looking for a service provider to help, give us a call today.

Experience the Hendrick Difference

Licensed, Professional Technicians

Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week

Residential & Commercial Providers

100% NATE Certified Service Department

Call the Hendrick Team Today