Emergency A/C Repair

Emergency A/C Service in Tulsa

At Hendrick Heat, Air & Plumbing, we recognize the urgency and stress that accompany A/C malfunctions. Whether it’s a sudden breakdown in the middle of the night or an unexpected failure during a holiday gathering, our emergency A/C services are designed to restore comfort and peace of mind with minimal disruption to your life.

Signs You Need an Air Conditioning Replacement

Recognizing when to call for emergency A/C repair is crucial in preventing prolonged discomfort or potential safety hazards. Here are some telltale signs:

Unexpected System Shutdowns

If your A/C unit suddenly stops working, especially during extreme weather conditions, it's a clear signal something is wrong.

Burning Odors or Smoke

These could indicate electrical issues or overheating components, posing immediate fire risks.

No Airflow

A lack of airflow can suggest blockages or failures within the system, affecting your indoor comfort and air quality.


Loud, unusual noises from your A/C unit might indicate loose or broken parts that require urgent attention.


Excessive water or refrigerant leaks not only affect your A/C's efficiency but can also cause property damage or mold growth.

Our Hendrick Emergency A/C Services

The Hendrick Team is here to help with same day service, 7 days a week.  The moment you see signs of trouble, reach out to us.
We will ensure that a trained technician is dispatched to you promptly.

Immediate Response

Our customer service team will quickly assess your situation and dispatch a technician to your home

Thorough Diagnosis

Upon arrival, our technician will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your A/C system to identify the root cause of the problem.

Transparent Communication

We believe in keeping you informed. Before any repair work begins, we'll explain the issue, discuss your options, and provide an upfront estimate.

Efficient Repair

Our goal is to restore your comfort as swiftly as possible. Our technicians are able to handle most repairs on the spot, ensuring your A/C system is back up and running efficiently.

Regular A/C Tune Ups to Avoid Emergencies

A good way to prevent emergencies to get routine maintenance on your air conditioning. The Hendrick Team offers A/C Tune Ups during the Spring to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently.

System Inspections

Thorough examinations of your A/C unit to check for wear and tear, efficiency issues, or potential safety hazards.

Cleaning and Testing

Cleaning components and tuning the system to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Early Problem Detection

Identifying and addressing minor issues before they become major emergencies.

Experience the Hendrick Difference

Licensed, Professional Technicians

Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week

Residential & Commercial Providers

100% NATE Certified Service Department

Call the Hendrick Team Today

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If your A/C issue is affecting your comfort, safety, or has the potential to cause further damage to your system or property, it’s considered an emergency. This includes situations like no cooling during extreme heat, strange noises, smells, or visible signs of damage.

If your A/C issue is affecting your comfort, safety, or has the potential to cause further damage to your system or property, it’s considered an emergency. This includes situations like no cooling during extreme heat, strange noises, smells, or visible signs of damage.

If your A/C issue is affecting your comfort, safety, or has the potential to cause further damage to your system or property, it’s considered an emergency. This includes situations like no cooling during extreme heat, strange noises, smells, or visible signs of damage.